There will be a meeting at Sage Collegiate on Wed Nov 15th at both 2pm and 6pm. We are asking all neighbors to attend. This is our first formal opportunity to address the school with our concerns and ask questions from the school director and the builders. Please join us, we need your help!

Just say NO to Sage Collegiate and Sandra Kinne.

Sandra Kinne and Sage Collegiate Public Charter School MUST be stopped before they destroy our community.

It has been 347 days since I sent Sandra Kinne an email asking for an opportunity to sit down and discuss ways to mitigate the noise levels from the school.

“…Children make noise. Children playing joyfully make noise.”

Sandra Kinne’s dismissive email reply to me 10/24/23

“…I am at a loss on what to do next. Ignoring her seems to be as detrimental as responding, and there does not seem to be a solution. If you have any suggestions or know of anyone else with whom I should connect, please let me know.”

Desperate email from Sandra Kinne to Ward 1 Councilman Brian Knudsen’s office, begging for help. 2/26/24

Let me spell it out for you, Sandra Kinne: my neighborhood has been asking for you to do something about the noise pollution coming from Sage Collegiate Public Charter School. You have chosen to ignore the problem hoping we will go away. We will not go away. This is our neighborhood and these are our homes. As the Executive Director of Sage Collegiate Public Charter School, we demand answers and solutions from you.

Instead of addressing our concerns, you have instead gone out of your way to try to besmirch both my and my husband’s character, insinuating that we are dangerous/criminal people. You wrote to (y)our Councilman suggesting that you and your board chair believe you should be fearful of your safety–with zero evidence to support that. Keep my name and my husband’s name out of your irrational paranoia, Sandra Kinne. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Perhaps I should be afraid of you..? I have received numerous threats from your “flying monkeys” on both this website and on social media. Racial slurs, name calling, threats to my safety. One of your school volunteers even showed up at my door in a state of rage. But yeah, sure, try to paint me as the dangerous one. No one is buying it, Kinne.

Going forward, you have a choice on how this plays out. You can continue to escalate the situation further or you can decide to be a good neighbor and we can work things out from there. All we are asking for is for you and your students to be respectful of the homes in the neighborhood, nothing crazy. The ball is in your court, Sandra Kinne. We will build bridges when you are ready.

Keep up to date with our latest posts about Sandra Kinne and Sage Collegiate Public Charter School’s damages to its neighbors.

Don’t sit idly by! Take a stand today! It’s time to question why a failing school is receiving special treatment for an unsuitable expansion. Your support is crucial in protecting our neighborhood. Join us in demanding fairness and accountability.